As of today, the truck is running fine, I had a slight issue with some oil pressure, which turned out otbe a faulty sending unit and after a new oil pump, some gaskets, and finnaly a mechanical oil pressure gauge, i was able to see that the engine is running fine, and makes good oil pressure and flow. This goes to show, that just because the gauges are fancy doenst mean they always work. This is somethign to say about a mechanical.
Once I figured out that fun stuff, I was finally able to make some progress on the Transfer case as well as the gauge cluster.
With the change over of the T Case to a mechanical, again back to the basics, i had to do some modifications to the floor. After taking out the seat and moving back the carpet, i discovered what every person fears in an old truck, RUST!!! The drivers side floor board had all kinds of rust in it, which could eventually lead to holes in the floor boards. Thank goodness for small things in life, aka,changing things out for mechanical devices. Modifying the floor board to fit the new Transfer Case shifter was kind of a fun experience. It helped me get the floor fixed as well as removed the old shifter and get the floor cleaned up.
I wish I got more pictures of the whole process but then again when have I ever done that?
With that all done, I was able to move on to the funner things. The dash and gauge cluster.
After doing a bunch of research online, i came across the idea of doing an Ipad Mini for the main gauge cluster. I know this sounds a bit hoakie, but its really cool. With the truck having a motor from a newer vehicle and computer controlled, the OBDII port was all i need to help make this work.
So through some software, an iPad mini, and mount for the device, i was able to modify the surround from the original truck to fit the device into the dash, as well as add gauges that didn't have information through the OBDII port. The original truck had 4 gauges to the left with two larger gauges in the middles for speedometer and fuel. Removing the two larger one in the middle, i was able to replace them with the iPad mini then place a fuel , oil presser "still need new sender", volt meter, and a trans temp gauge.
Its pretty clean, and was kind of fun to do. again all learning processes but they are fun no doubt.
As for other things, its good to make progress. So as I make more, Ill try and post more.